
Red Heart Blue Head design

“We maximise human potential to deliver organisational success”

What we do

Our services focus on maximising your human potential and delivering organisational success for your organisation. We will shape our services to fit your needs. The ways in which we can help include the following.

We can help you with:

  • Strategic Planning – helping you create a powerful vision, purpose and set of values (VPV) and a clear business strategy
  • Leadership Sounding Board – supporting your leader(s) with operational challenges & key projects
  • Culture & Environment – helping you create an inclusive, engaging & empowering workplace
  • Team Working – helping you improve alignment & collaboration, to drive performance
  • Rewards & Incentives – helping you structure your pay, rewards & benefits to drive success for all
  • Performance Improvements – helping you increase efficiencies and improve performance
  • Stakeholder Relationships – helping you build stronger relationships & make deeper connections
  • ESG – helping you deliver sustainable success, in every sense

We can also help you with:

  • Leadership Development – coaching or mentoring your current & aspiring leaders
  • Management Training – providing management/leadership training, to develop your key people
  • Scenario Planning – helping to test current capability & future-proof your organisation
  • Cultural Turnaround – helping you kickstart or turnaround an under-performing team
  • Recruitment Support – helping you hire the best people (including attending key recruitment interviews)
  • Outsider Feedback – attending & providing independent feedback at/after executive meetings
  • Non-Executive Director – providing regular board attendance & NED support

Our success is about helping you achieve yours

We can work with your organisation’s leaders, board or executive group, managers or whoever you choose. We can analyse where you are and report on progress. We help you deliver even greater performance and success for your teams and organisations. We can provide analysis, ideas and assistance to help you grow and develop. We can help your organisation whatever its sector, whether it’s business, sport, professional services, education or something else.

We can analyse what you’re currently doing and what effect it’s having on your strategy, performance, people and culture. We can help your organisation become more collaborative, more engaged and more Super-tribal. We can help you to align and focus all your assets on your mission, without breaking what’s fundamental to you. We can show you how to improve your employee engagement, customer service and stakeholder relationships.

“If you want to steal a march on your competitors, we can help to make you more dynamic, more sustainable and more successful”

Simon James Rhodes

We can help your organisation to become more sustainable, fair and responsible. We can help you to be more successful in every sense. We can help you to make the changes you need now and for the future.

If you’re already doing well, you need to know why. That way you can keep doing more of what’s needed. If you’re not doing as well as you’d like, you need to find out why even more. A outsider’s view that’s supportive and practical can be incredibly helpful. That’s where we can help. We can spot which key elements are underpowered, misfiring or missing altogether. We can help you to get more out of what you already have.

We never tell you how to run your own organisation. That’s your job. We’re just here, on hand, to help you if you want us to. Leadership can be lonely, thankless and stressful. We can take some of those feelings away and support your efforts going forward. We’re really good at spotting likely problems and offering solutions to them.

“A poor culture leads to a lack of loyalty and poor engagement. Poor engagement means poor performance. And poor performance produces poor profits”

Simon James Rhodes

More details

The following contains more details on the kinds of services that we provide. Please also click on ‘Some things we can help with’ button below.

We will happily tailor what we do to suit your needs. Please just ask how we can help your organisation. Our services can re-energise a long-established business or kick-start a new start-up. Simon Rhodes would be happy to have an initial discussion with you to explore how we can help (a form of try before you buy). If you don’t ask us, we can’t help you.

Building Your Super-tribe – Analysis, Ideas and Support

Jigsaw pieces
Services Create a Good Vibe logo

The highest functioning teams and organisations are tribal on the inside and tribal on the outside. They focus on generating a common purpose, with common rewards. They use every available tribal element they can, to maximise their tribal power. They are Super-tribes. Every organisation should aspire to be one. Please click on the link below to find out more.

By spending time with your team or organisation, we can analyse and assess its make-up, performance and potential. How close is it to being a Super-tribe? This means working with you to review your vision, purpose and values, your current mission(s) and your strategies. It means reviewing your operating structures, teams and processes. And it means reviewing what’s being delivered, in the form of outputs and successes. Then we can help you to maintain and build on what you’re doing, as well as making practical suggestions for improvements, additions, alternatives and replacements.

“When employees aren’t fully engaged at work, their employer suffers a series of ongoing costs until they leave”

Simon James Rhodes

Ideally we’d do this in person, but we can attend remote meetings via Teams or Zoom too. We will observe and then report to you on its performance, its sustainability; and its ability to grow and develop. We’ll explain how it can achieve its maximum organisational potential internally based on the twenty elements of modern tribes (including its purpose, values, rules, heritage, language and hierarchy). We’ll also explain how it can achieve its maximum potential externally based on partnerships, joint-ventures and other alliances. Together we’ll explain how you can turn your organisation into a Super-tribe.

How good is your current performance, culture and alignment? We can tell you. How inclusive, diverse and sustainable are you? We can show you. We can also provide you with practical analysis, guidance, ideas and recommendations, to help you grow and develop your organisation into a Super-tribe. We can help you to work out who to partner and collaborate with. This aspect of business growth is often undercooked. We can help your organisation get out of the mainstream and into its own slipstream.

A period of a week or two inside your organisation works best, because we would really see how you operate. But we can provide strategic value from just one or two days ‘inside’ your organisation if there are limits on your time or budget. A single meeting can be very insightful. The more access we have, the more insight we can offer. The more stakeholders we engage with, the more comprehensive our insight will be.

Whatever your organisation is, we can help you. We provide an independent and objective, outsider’s view. We can attend board or executive meetings to help offer input into your structure and decision-making. Or we can attend Senior Leadership Team meetings to help create a winning dynamic and culture. For sports teams, we can observe progress during pre-season or during the build up to match day and up to the de-brief afterwards. We can meet with external stakeholders too.

The faster you develop your organisation, the better it will perform. Don’t you want to know how close your organisation is to being a Super-tribe?

“If you want to grow and develop your organisation, why settle for less than the best? You need to build yourself a Super-tribe”

Simon James Rhodes

We can combine our Get Win Ready and Super-tribe analysis to give you a comprehensive assessment of your team’s culture, efficiency, performance, sustainability and readiness for success. We can help you plan, implement and embed any changes. We can then return at a later date and help assess what additional progress and development has been achieved.

Services Anatomy of a Super-tribe

Getting Your Team ‘Win Ready’

Red Cup

If your team or organisation is in a fiercely competitive sector, league or competition, it will need to be at its very best to win. If your competitors are culturally stronger, higher-functioning, better known, more adaptable, or more sustainable, you may need help in catching them up and outperforming them. We can help you to prepare and perform at a higher level, so that you can slipstream and go past them.

By spending time with you and your team or organisation, we can analyse what it’s already really successful and what else you can do to ‘Get Win Ready’. This means working with you to review, adapt and develop your mission, philosophy, organisational mindset, culture, people and alignment to maximise your chances of success . It also means analysing your positioning, preparation, skills, techniques, science, technology, strength, firepower, Super-tribe thinking and finishing. Controlling all these 11 controllables will get you win ready.

Then we can help you to maintain and build on what you’re doing, as well as making practical suggestions for improvements, additions, alternatives and replacements.

Ideally we’d do this in person, but we can attend remote meetings via Teams or Zoom too. We’ll assess the Winning Controllables needed for your mission and how close you are to delivering them. By working closely with you, we’ll assess what Winning Standards you should have in place and whether you are reaching them. We’ll observe the behavioural patterns in operation; and report on your organisation’s Winning and Losing behaviours. We can advise you how to turn any losing or neutral behaviours into Winning ones; and how to implement the steps you need to take.

We can also help you to carry out a mission assessment and scenario planning exercise that helps to make your organisation sustainable and future-proof. After all, the better your planning processes are, the more often you’ll win.

“Success comes from planning and aiming to win. Getting Win Ready would be the difference between you and all your competitors”

Simon James Rhodes

A period of a week or two inside your organisation works best, but we can provide value from having just one or two days ‘inside’ your organisation if there are limits on your time or budget. A single meeting can be very insightful. The more access we have, the more insight we can offer.

Whatever your organisation is, we can help you. We can attend board or executive meetings to help offer input into your structure and decision-making. Or we can attend Senior Leadership Team meetings to help create a winning dynamic and culture. We can observe progress during pre-season or during the build up to match day and up to the de-brief afterwards. We can provide Get Win Ready match reports for your season, or your board meetings. We can meet with your external stakeholders and help you develop your tribe on the outside.

The faster you develop your organisation, the better it will perform. Don’t you want to know how close your organisation is to being Win Ready?

We can combine our Get Win Ready and Super-tribe analysis to give you a comprehensive assessment of your team’s culture, efficiency, performance, sustainability and readiness for success. We can help you plan, implement and embed any changes. We can then return at a later date and help assess what additional progress and development has been achieved.

Please click on the Get Win Ready button for some more information.

Leadership Team Development and Dynamics

Magnifying glass

We can work with your board, executive or senior leadership team to analyse, develop and improve its inclusiveness, alignment and effectiveness. By observing your organisation’s strategic decision-making, we can offer insight and suggestions that will increase its performance and get your organisation more Win Ready. Ideally we’d do that in person, but we can attend remote meetings via Teams or Zoom too.

We can help you to plan, implement and embed any changes. We can then return at a later date and assess what progress and development has been achieved. The faster your leadership develops, the better your organisation will perform.

Cultural Kickstart or Turnaround Projects

Blue torch

We can work with your leadership team to assess and develop your people, culture or rewards. Depending on what stage you’re at, we can help you to enhance (or turnaround) your organisation’s culture, inclusiveness and engagement. We can help you to improve your cognitive diversity as an organisation and help to match your thinking to your customers’ needs. Ideally we’d do that in person, but we can attend remote meetings via Teams or Zoom too. The faster you advance good culture, the quicker your performance will improve.

We can provide short-term help, or we can work with you over a period of say six or twelve months. We can help you to plan, implement and embed any changes. We can help you to find the stars of the future, or develop the potential blockers to your success.

Project Support or Sounding Board for your Leaders

Big red fish and small red fish

We can provide a sounding-board for your organisation’s leader(s), assisting with the strategic, culture and performance aspects of day to day operations, or projects such as mergers, acquisitions, relocations and expansions. We can help you to assess opportunities against your purpose and vision for the future. We can help you to plan, implement and embed any changes.

This support can be tailored to fit. That might be for a regular monthly catch up, or for a defined period such as a three or six month project, with defined inputs and defined goals.

Mentoring for your Leaders and Future Leaders (for Professionals and others)

Medal Podium

We can act as an external, independent coach or mentor for your existing leaders, or your aspiring leaders of the future. Every leader needs someone outside their organisation to talk things through with. We can work with your leaders individually or with a leadership group. Your people are your greatest asset. Helping their development is a vital part of achieving success.

Mentoring can be done remotely or through face to face meetings. The faster your leaders progress, the better your organisation performs. We can help your leaders to achieve more for themselves and for your organisation.

Leadership Training, Seminars, Workshops and Keynote Speeches

Lecturer at whiteboard

We can provide a Super-tribe seminar or workshop online or in person. We can also provide a more interactive Question and Answer session.

We can also provide someone to give internal presentations or keynote speeches at events and conferences. 

Non-Executive Directorship

Blue owl

We can provide a Non-Executive Director for your business, providing you with a sounding-board and helping you with your strategic decision-making at board level. We will assess our ability to add real value before accepting any post. Ideally we’d do this in person, but we can attend remote meetings via Teams or Zoom too. If you’d like a less formal relationship, we can act as a sounding-board instead.