
Super-tribes aren’t born, they’re made. Powered by a collective effort and will to win, Super-tribes are the top of the organisational development tree. They’re more than an individual, or non-tribal team or group can ever be. They’re a modern tribe on the inside and on the outside.
Super-tribes provide the highest performance potential because they are the most inclusive, focused and aligned organisations. Super-tribes are tribes on a mission. They are people with a purpose.
“Alone you lose the most. In teams you win more. In tribes you win much more. And in Super-tribes win the most“
Simon James Rhodes

Super-tribes are built from the inside and outside. On the inside, they are created using the 20 elements of modern tribes. Those elements include a tribal purpose, heritage, structure, rules, language, brand, symbols and ceremonies. Without generating strength from these 20 elements, a team or group won’t make it to tribal status. It won’t be capable of becoming a Super-tribe. Thinking ‘Super-tribe first’ is the only way to approach this building process. That’s about starting where you want to finish. By establishing and aligning all 20 tribal elements, you can build your own tribe that’s Super-tribe ready.

On the outside, tribes need to enter into strategic partnerships and collaborations with other similar-thinking tribes. Tribal power is strong, but Super-tribal power is stronger still. Super-tribes are formed when separate tribes come together for a mutual purpose and mutual benefit.
When two tribes go to more, they form Super-tribes. At Red Heart Blue Head, we can help you turn your team or organisation into a Super-tribe.