Get Win Ready, Unleashing Potential, Winning Controllables, Workplace culture, Workplace Performance Keeping cool in the heat of the moment August 25, 2022August 29, 2022Simon Keeping your head under extreme pressure is an exceptional ability…Continue readingKeeping cool in the heat of the moment
Get Win Ready, Posts, Unleashing Potential, Winning Controllables, Workplace culture, Workplace Performance Coaching not coasting August 11, 2022August 19, 2022Simon Success doesn’t come unless you’re ready for it.…Continue readingCoaching not coasting
Get Win Ready, Unleashing Potential, Winning Controllables, Workplace culture, Workplace Performance Show me the Qwan June 15, 2022June 23, 2022Simon Everyone needs more than money…Continue readingShow me the Qwan
Get Win Ready, Homepage Posts, Posts, Super-tribes, Workplace culture, Workplace Performance Do Teams Still Matter? May 26, 2022June 15, 2022Simon The matching of purposes and goals is where real power comes from…Continue readingDo Teams Still Matter?
Get Win Ready, Homepage Posts, Posts, Winning Controllables, Workplace culture, Workplace Performance Standards. There’s nothing standard about them April 28, 2022June 15, 2022Simon We should all broaden our definition of what’s standard…Continue readingStandards. There’s nothing standard about them
Get Win Ready, Homepage Posts, Posts, Unleashing Potential, Winning Controllables, Workplace Performance Prepare to Win April 24, 2022June 15, 2022Simon We can give ourselves a powerful red heart and a calm, blue head…Continue readingPrepare to Win
Get Win Ready, Homepage Posts, Posts, Winning Controllables, Workplace culture The Art of Revival February 7, 2022August 11, 2022Simon Re-starting something can mean repeating, re-energising or re-inventing……Continue readingThe Art of Revival
Homepage Posts, Posts, Super-tribes, Unleashing Potential, Workplace culture, Workplace Performance Clough Love February 4, 2022February 8, 2022Simon Everyone wants the chance to show what they can do…Continue readingClough Love
Get Win Ready, Homepage Posts, Posts, Winning Controllables, Workplace Performance The Eye of the Tiger February 1, 2022February 8, 2022Simon Every leader needs authority to lead……Continue readingThe Eye of the Tiger
Get Win Ready, Homepage Posts, Posts, Unleashing Potential, Winning Controllables, Workplace culture, Workplace Performance Recruit to the power of 6 December 27, 2021February 8, 2022Simon Recruitment is key to success……Continue readingRecruit to the power of 6
Get Win Ready, Homepage Posts, Posts, Unleashing Potential, Winning Controllables, Workplace culture, Workplace Performance Follow the Brady Hunch December 14, 2021February 8, 2022Simon Invest in all of your people……Continue readingFollow the Brady Hunch
Get Win Ready, Homepage Posts, Posts, Unleashing Potential, Winning Controllables, Workplace Performance Hot dogs or Hamburgers? (you decide) December 6, 2021February 8, 2022Simon Decision-making…Continue readingHot dogs or Hamburgers? (you decide)
Homepage Posts, Posts, Super-tribes, Winning Controllables, Workplace culture Are you sitting comfortably? August 2, 2021February 8, 2022Simon There’s nothing more powerful than a good story……Continue readingAre you sitting comfortably?
Get Win Ready, Homepage Posts, Posts, Super-tribes, Workplace Performance Vision and Division. One’s a power. The other’s a weakness June 22, 2021February 9, 2022Simon Vision is power. Division is weakness.…Continue readingVision and Division. One’s a power. The other’s a weakness
Get Win Ready, Homepage Posts, Posts, Winning Controllables, Workplace Performance Don’t give up until time’s up April 16, 2021February 9, 2022Simon Never give up……Continue readingDon’t give up until time’s up
Get Win Ready, Homepage Posts, Posts, Winning Controllables, Workplace Performance Winning is a team activity January 25, 2021February 9, 2022Simon We always need each other……Continue readingWinning is a team activity